When it was released, The Witcher 3 was a real hit. If the first two opuses of the adventures of the Wizard had met a beautiful success, the things took another dimension. Today, The Witcher has become a highly anticipated license. So, while waiting for the release of The Witcher 4, a patch has just arrived on the next-gen consoles. Let’s see what it’s worth!
The Witcher 4, the reboot of the first, a busy news!
At the moment, it’s not necessarily The Witcher 3 that was the most talked about. Indeed, the news, it turned quite a bit around two games. The first one is The Witcher 4. Today it is one of the most anticipated games for RPG fans. Except that the wait, it starts to be rather long. In May, it will be 8 years since the third opus was released.
But while waiting for The Witcher 4, another game should make its appearance. Indeed, as we recently told you, it was announced that a remake of the first opus was in progress at CD Projekt. The first opus was released in 2007 and had not aged well, especially in terms of its game mechanics. Those who have already played it know what we are talking about.
But while waiting for these two novelties, CD Projekt has not been idle. Indeed, they worked on a next-gen version of The Witcher 3. The good news is that there will be no need to buy anything! Indeed, this next-gen version comes in the form of a free update that arrives as of today!

What is this next-gen patch worth?
So all you have to do is wait for the game to propose an update and do it. So, let’s make it clear that this next-gen version of The Witcher 3, it does not concern everyone. Indeed, only the PS5, PC and Xbox Series versions will be able to benefit from it. For other versions, nothing will change after this patch.
But is this patch worth it? Well, the answer is yes on our side. We can see that CD Projekt didn’t take this project by the leg. There was a real effort made on the textures of the game. With the settings at maximum, The Witcher 3 is very beautiful, especially the PC version. However, as you can imagine, this requires a good configuration to run the game. To see for yourself, we suggest you watch a video comparison below.