Despite a complicated start, The Elder Scrolls Online has managed to win over its audience with each update. Every year, a new expansion is released for the game with a lot of new features. The new expansion called The Shadow on Morrowind has just been presented to us and we suggest you to see what it’s about in this article.
The Elder Scrolls Online, a formula that has found its rhythm
Let’s start by saying that it will soon be 9 years since The Elder Scrolls Online was launched. At the time, we are still in shock from Skyrim and the expectations around the title are high. Except that it’s an MMO and not a single player game like The Elder Scrolls 6. This will be one of the reasons for a rather timid launch for the game during the first years.
But as time went on, the game began to gain momentum and fans began to be tempted. Moreover, the game finds its formula with one major expansion per year. To accompany this expansion, we will also have the right to some DLC, dungeons and adventures to make us wait before the worldwide release of The Shadow on Morrowind.
This DLC release will take place on March 13 on PC and on March 28 on console. As for the release of The Shadow on Morrowind on The Elder Scrolls Online, we will have to be a little more patient. Indeed, it will only be released on June 5th on PC and on June 20th on consoles. It is already possible to pre-order this expansion, which will allow you to get your hands on exclusive content!

What can we expect from The Shadow on Morrowind?
Now that we have seen the details, let’s focus on the new features of this expansion of The Elder Scrolls Online. The first one is of course a brand new game zone, the Telvanni Peninsula, which will have a characteristic architecture that Morrowind fans will recognize. In addition to that, you will also have the opportunity to walk around the daedric plane of Hermaeus Mora.
If you played the Dragonborn DLC for Skyrim, this is the plane you were walking around in. Finally, the other big news that will arrive with the release of this new expansion of The Elder Scrolls Online is a new class. This class is the arcanist who will rely on channeling lost runes, grimoires and arcana through a blessing from Hermaeus Mora. For the moment we don’t know much more, but more information should come as we go along!