One of the important elements in the Harry Potter universe is being able to move through the air. In Hogwarts Legacy, you can fly either with a broom or a Hippogriff. In this article, we’ll go over both methods, showing you how to find each of the two elements in what is already one of the best games of the year.
How to get a flying broom in Hogwarts Legacy?
In the following article we will talk about the Hippogriff, but this is not the mount you will get first in the game. Indeed, the first means of locomotion you will get is the classic flying broom. The latter will be accessible from the moment you unlock the quest « Flight tests » after unlocking the Room on Demand.
At the end of this quest, you will be able to get your hands on your first broom by buying it. For this, you can go to the Bôbalais store in Hogsmeade. Once on site, this broom, it will cost you 600 gallons. You will find several models, but this has only a cosmetic influence and no impact on the statistics.
In order to improve this flying broom, you will have to go through an NPC, Imelda Reyes. This one will then propose you challenges which once successful will allow you to improve your flying broom on Hogwarts Legacy. Be careful, because these improvements are not free and the bill will quickly become expensive. This is a way to ensure that you don’t have a broom that is increased to the maximum right away.

Where to find a Hippogriff ?
Want a little more exoticism in your games? Well, you’ll be able to adopt a Hippogriff and use it as a flying mount. However, let’s say right away that this does not happen at the beginning of the game. Indeed, you will have to advance in the main story before you can get one for yourself.
The good news is that you can get this Hippogriff for free. Once you finish the quest « The High Dungeon », you will receive a Hippogriff named Heavenly Wing. If you pre-ordered Hogwarts Legacy, you may be thinking that you can have the promised Hipogriff with this offer.
This is indeed the case, however, it too is only accessible after finishing the mission we just told you about before. So you’ll have to be patient before getting your hands on it. Finally, you should know that in addition to these Hippogriffs, you will be able to capture wild ones and even breed them in the Hall on request.