Many people are looking forward to the release of GTA 6. However, there are still regular updates for the previous opus like a brand new DLC for its online version a few days ago. In addition, the community is very active. For example, there are many mods. So in this article, we help you find the best GTA 5 mods.
How to install the best GTA 5 mods?
Before we get straight to the best GTA 5 mods, we need to see how to install them. The easiest way to do this is to use a tool. It is the latter that will make the link between the mod you install and the game. The two best known in this field are GTAV Lua and Script Hook V.
If you chose GTAV Lua, once downloaded, copy the LUA.asi file and the scripts folder into the GTA V folders. If you chose the other one, this time copy scripthookv.dll, dsound.dll and nativetrainer.asi to the GTA files. Once that’s done, all you have to do is to begin to play on the best GTA 5 mods!
Make your game even more beautiful with GTA V Redux
The first mod that we will advise you is GTA V Redux. Basically, the game was released a few years ago and if it was beautiful, it has inevitably aged a bit since then. With this mod, you will be able to bring the textures back to life. That’s why it’s one of the best mods for GTA 5!

San Andreas, one of the best GTA 5 mods for the nostalgic
Are you nostalgic for the old opuses of the series? So, we’ve found the perfect mod to immerse yourself in the world of GTA San Andreas, which will celebrate its 20th anniversary next year. Indeed, this mod allows you to totally change the map of your game and to dive back into the universe of this old opus!
You will be able to explore Los Santos, San Fierro and Las Venturas. A good breath of nostalgia, which should please the fans of the first hour of Grand Theft Auto. That’s why we recommend this GTA San Andreas, which is without a doubt one of the best GTA 5 mods available today!
Play on the side of the police with LSPDFR!
We know that when we play a game of the GTA license, it is often not to play on the side of good. The story often revolves around drugs or arms trafficking. But if you ever wanted to get started with the police, you should know that a mod exists. This mod is LSPDFR and it is extremely ambitious.
Indeed, it adds a whole new game to the game! You can now join the LSPD and enforce the law. But GTA obliges, you can also completely abuse your new power to arbitrarily arrest people for example. In short, this is what we call a must have and one of the best GTA 5 mods!

Total Real Driving Simulator, one of the best realistic mods for GTA 5
Want to add a dose of realism to your GTA 5 games? So we found one of the mods that should delight you with Total Real Driving Simulator! Indeed, in this mode, the basic driving of the game has undergone a lot of changes; for example, we can note that the vehicles are now subjected to more realistic damage in game.
In addition to that, every vehicle in the game has been modified to look more realistic. You will actually have changes in the way the vehicles behave depending on the model. This is a mod that is quite discreet and yet, let’s not hesitate to use the words, it is for us one of the best mods of GTA 5!
Download Total Real Driving Simulator
Open All Interiors
The world of GTA 5 is quite big. Except that when you arrive in town, you quickly realize that many buildings are closed. So the promise of Open All Interiors is very simple. This mod allows you to visit absolutely every building in the game, which gives a greater immersion.
Vice City Remastered, another of the best GTA 5 mods for nostalgic people!
Finally, let’s finish with another mod that will allow you to relive adventures from previous opuses. This time it’s GTA Vice City Stories. The game is a little bit more recent than San Andreas that we talked about earlier. Besides, the idea of the mod is exactly the same, allow you to explore areas of these old games updated!